She Finds Joy

The She Finds Joy Podcast, for women who are ready to reclaim their joy and identity in order to show up for themselves in a BIG WAY! Your Happiness Coach, Kim Strobel, is here to help you ask for what you want while living a big, bold, brave life. In each episode she’ll challenge you to find the truest sense of who you are while incorporating wellbeing and learning how to see your brilliance and use it to impact the world. See for privacy and opt-out information.

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Wednesday Aug 25, 2021

Ep 56 | The System’s Mindset: It’s Not Willpower, That’s the ProblemThis is the last episode of the Mindset Series. We’ve covered the Happiness Mindset, the Self-Care Mindset, the Belief Mindset, and the Manifestor’s Mindset. Now we bring it all together in the System’s Mindset. People feel frustrated when they can’t take the actions they need to make sustainable progress in their lives. It’s not that we lack the ability or the willpower to make healthy changes in our life—it’s that we don’t have systems or blueprints to follow. We need accountability and a vision for who we want to become. Take a look at the stats. According to The American Society for Training and Development, of people who...Consciously decide to set a goal, only 25% achieve their goal.Decide when they will do it, 40% achieve their goal.Plan how they will do it, 50% achieve their goal.Commit to someone else they will do it, 65% achieve their goal.Have a specific accountability appointment with the person they committed to (a coach), 95% achieve their goal!We gravely overestimate the effect of tiny, small changes in our lives and we give up way too easily because we aren’t seeing results fast enough. Believe it or not, you don’t have to take massive action to get massive results. In fact, you can treat your life like compound interest and stay laser-focused on an area of improvement, taking small actionable steps to create a ripple effect in your life. Becoming the best version of yourself requires you to continuously extract your old beliefs, and to download a new set of beliefs that match up with the reality you want to create. Tune in to learn more about… Why it's not your willpower that’s preventing you from reaching your goals. If you’re having trouble with incorporating habits in your life, your system is the problem. How tiny changes create remarkable results. Remember that success is the product of daily habits—not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.The purpose of building a system. How to build good habits and break bad ones. How to shift your internal blueprint to create results. “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” - James ClearRegister for the Happy Academy! Schools and teachers register hereBusinesses, organizations, and individuals register hereAtomic Habits by James ClearAbout KimKim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and the mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy!You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021

Ep 55 | The Manifestor’s MindsetMost of us create our lives by default. We haven’t learned how to manifest our desires through the magic of the Universe. We haven’t learned how to access the power of our thoughts and our mind. Ever wanted to know the secret to not just settling, but actually ACHIEVING your BIGGEST goals without working yourself to the ground?In today’s episode, Kim discusses the Law of Attraction—the idea that everyone has a unique vibration that attracts other people, circumstances, and opportunities with the same vibration. If you want to change your life and empower yourself to create an amazing future, then you need to understand your role in the Law of Attraction. Tune into this episode to learn the secret to living life intentionally, to create your future by using the magic of the Universe, and to harness your thoughts to build a life you truly love. What You’ll Learn From This EpisodeHow to stop recycling old thoughts and beliefs no longer serve you… and how to create new patterns that help you grow. How to put fear aside and step into action. How to tap into Universal Intelligence and begin creating a life that feels really good.Ways to stop living your life on default and begin creating your life intentionallyMethods to unlock your potential and ramp up your success. Why you need to take responsibility for your life and be an active participant in the creation process.“You are constantly creating your life through your vibrational frequency.” - Kim StrobelThe Happy Academy is open for registration! Doors close on August 31st!Register for the Happy Academy! Schools and teachers register here. Businesses, organizations, and individuals register here. About KimKim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy!You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021

Ep 54 | The Belief Mindset: Change Your Thoughts & Change Your LifeTo put it bluntly: if you don't have an internal belief system that supports your goals, you won’t be able to achieve those goals. Your beliefs are always driving what you can and cannot achieve in life. Most humans have approximately 70,000 thoughts running through their minds on a daily basis. And from the research, we know that 5% of how you show up in life comes from your logical, thinking mind and 95% of how you show up in life comes from your subconscious mind. Your beliefs reside in your subconscious mind, but most of us aren’t even aware of those beliefs because they were formed before we were even six years old. The good news is you can extract old, limiting beliefs and download a new set that will serve every part of your life going forward. What You’ll Learn From This EpisodeThe differences between fixed mindset and growth mindset.The benefits of adopting a growth mindset in your life and strategies to embrace a growth mindset. How mindsets work in our lives—including the role they play in affecting your actions and behaviors. The science behind rewiring your brain.How changing your mindset can lead to more success in your life. “Your beliefs are affecting the way you live your life.” - Kim StrobelThe Happy Academy is Open for Registration! Doors close in two weeks. Register for the Happy Academy! Schools and teachers register hereBusinesses, organizations, & individuals register hereAbout KimKim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy!You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free, private She Finds Joy Facebook community. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021

Ep 53 | The Self-Care Mindset & Why It’s Critical to Your HealthMany of us feel overwhelmed and defeated by life. And we certainly don’t feel like we have the time to even think about our own needs. Loving ourselves is a foreign concept for too many of us. Why can we so easily love our children, our parents, and our dogs, but we struggle to love ourselves? Yet, the most important relationship you will ever have is the one you have with yourself. Without adequate self-care, we’re unable to handle the stressors that come our way when we're depleted by physical and emotional exhaustion. On the other hand, we’re more resilient and capable when we feel our best both physically and emotionally. In today’s fast-paced, high-demand world, it’s harder to just stop, breathe, and live in the moment. With the right tools and some simple strategies, one has the power to greatly decrease the negative effects of stress and increase personal health, happiness, and wellbeing. This workshop will investigate burnout, how to prevent burnout, and happiness and wellbeing strategies to help you create work-life flow.What You’ll Learn From This Episode:Why you are worthy of self-careHow to develop a self-care plan that fits in your scheduleWhy you have to start scheduling yourself firstHow self-care impacts every aspect of our lives How to be more loyal to yourself How to replace feelings of guilt with empowermentWays to implement emotional and physical self-care “We are worthy of investing in ourselves.” - Kim StrobelThe Happy Academy is open for registration! Doors close soon!Register for the Happy Academy! Schools and Teachers Register HereBusinesses, Organizations, & Individual Register HereAbout KimKim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy!You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free, private She Finds Joy Facebook community. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Jun 30, 2021

Ep 52 | The Happiness Mindset: Your Happiness MattersAll of us want to be happy, even if we don’t want to admit it or we feel like it’s a frivolous thing to talk about. Some of us want professional success, to find the right partner, spiritual fulfillment, and others yearn for passion and purpose in their life. However, what holds true among almost everyone is that our culture looks at the happiness formula backward. We think, “If I get that job, then I’ll be happy,” or “When I get married, then I’ll be happy.” It’s a backward mindset. See, when we take the time to recognize the opportunities, abundance, and blessings in our life, we begin to attract strong, better relationships. We begin to grow in our personal lives and our careers. It’s important that we let go of the unhealthy, deep-seated assumptions about what happiness looks like and start focusing more on what makes you happy in the here and now. We need to make happiness a priority in our lives. To put it at the forefront of everything we do. What You’ll Learn From This Episode:How to shift to a happiness-focused mindset. Simple happiness habits you can form to build your happiness. Why your happiness changes every single outcome—career, business, relationships, money, creativity… How happiness helps you attract your wants and desires. What our happiness baseline is and where it comes from. The Pie Chart of Happiness: 50% genetic; 10% circumstances; and 40% thoughts, behaviors, and actions. “When your brain is positive, you shift every single outcome in your life.” - Kim Strobel Helpful LinksGet on the waitlist for The Happy Academy now! About KimKim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy!You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021

Ep 51 | The Arena of Bigness: How to Live a Braver LifeMany times we think we are overwhelmed… when in fact we are also underwhelmed. I believe burnout comes from both. When we feel underwhelmed, we feel lost from who we used to be, we no longer know what our hobbies are, or the dreams we want to pursue. Feeling underwhelmed keeps us tied to a job that sucks our soul or stuck in a relationship that continues to bleed us dry. Which is why it’s time to step into the Arena of Bigness. The Arena of Bigness is scary. It’s where you will fail. It’s full of uncertainty and risks. It’s where you fall face down in the dirt and wonder, “Will I ever get up again?” But, it’s also where you find your true gems, your true potential. It’s where you step out with courage and allow yourself to get uncomfortable because you know that’s what it takes to get where you need to go. On the other side of fear, vulnerability, risk, and uncertainty, lies greatness. It’s time to step into our bigness, together. If you don’t step forward with confidence, believing in the power of your dreams, you risk sitting on the sidelines your whole life. You risk never seeing your dreams manifest into reality. Playing small does not serve the world. The world needs your magic. What You’ll Learn From This Episode:How to show up, be seen, and live a braver life—you can overcome self-doubt and discover your potential. Why feeling overwhelmed might not be the cause of your discouragement. How courage changes the way we experience life, especially when you no longer care what other people think of you. Understand how your core values lead you to fulfillment or dissatisfaction.Why 90% of your potential is still up for grabs.The price we pay when we choose safety and comfort over risk and uncertainty. How to get off the sidelines of your life and step into the Arena of Bigness.“On the other side of your fear lies greatness.” Kim StrobelHelpful Links Get on the waitlist for The Happy Academy now!About KimKim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy!You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021

Ep 50 | Burnout & Why I Created The Happy AcademyBurnout is a kind of exhaustion that seeps into every aspect of your life. Even though I travel around the country teaching teachers, business people, and more about how to overcome burnout, I can tell you that I, too, have been experiencing it lately. For me, burnout looks like: The inability to shut work off, even when I should be enjoying time off An incessant need to keep checking my emailsThe feeling of obsessively thinking about "everything that needs to get done"Tiredness, irritability, and frustration with people around me I recently asked others in my Facebook Group what burnout out looks like to them and got these responses: Knots in my stomach the closer I get to work, despite LOVING my job.Never having satisfaction with my job and never feeling like I’m doing enough. Letting down all of the teachers I’m supposed to be leading, and I feel hopeless.Dreading going to work every day and counting the days until break.Never feeling like I’m meeting expectations. Being so overwhelmed with tasks and asks that I don’t even know where to start.Lost desire, unable to focus on anything, and no amount of time off or other activities.Investing in my own business so I can leave my current profession. Overworked (worked daily my entire sick leave), underpaid (completely revamped teaching during COVID/no overtime, no bonuses), and not thought of as a real person.You are allowed to have heavy emotions. It’s important to give ourselves the grace to feel the way we do and practice some self-compassion. Even though I sometimes enter the burnout stage, I recognize the signs of when it’s coming on, and I have a set of habits that get me out of the gutter quicker. You are not alone in the struggle. I am there too. What You’ll Learn From This Episode:How to identify burnout when it’s first setting in. Why it’s so hard to get off the hamster wheel of life. Why I created a program focused on shifting the inner blueprint of our life. How to leverage your mindset and overcome limiting beliefs. Why our relationship with ourselves is our biggest asset. How to take action to become who you want to be. How to step forward with confidence and discover your greatness.. “If you can’t see your own value, the world can’t give you value back.” - Kim Strobel Helpful Links Get on the waitlist for The Happy Academy now! About Kim Kim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and a mission-minded person whose passion helps others overcome their fears and discover their joy! You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy, and in the free private, She Finds Joy Facebook community. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday May 19, 2021

Ep 49 | How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed in Motherhood with Dr. Nicole Calloway RankinsToday on the She Finds Joy podcast, Kim sits down for a conversation with Dr. Nicole Calloway Rankins. Nicole is a board-certified, practicing OB/GYN and mom of two girls who empowers first-time moms to feel supported and prepared for pregnancy and birth. Over the last 15 years, she’s helped more than a thousand babies come into this world and has demystified pregnancy and childbirth for thousands of women through her 5-star rated All About Pregnancy & Birth podcast, her free online birth plan class, and her signature online program - The Birth Preparation Course. Interviewing Dr. Nicole Rankins was such a pleasure. I mean, she’s delivered over a thousand babies! Can you imagine? Dr. Rankins authentically shares her own experiences with her two daughters and how the trauma of her first baby’s birth informs why and how she shows up to support, nurture, and educate expectant mothers. Dr. Rankins is also an integrative health coach, which means she supports mothers from every aspect of their lives: physical, relational, spiritual, emotional, and financial. Honestly, these are the pillars we should all take a reflective look at in our own lives. On top of delivering babies and coaching women, she is a high-achieving, career-oriented woman who desires to serve in a very big way. But, she is also a mother and a wife. She explains some of her favorite tips for juggling all of her roles, while also honoring and loving herself in the process. What You’ll Learn From This Episode:The traumatic birthing experience of her firstborn and how that changed her. The top fear of expectant mothers. Why giving mothers choices is so important. How to advocate for yourself in your healthcare. The value of an integrative health coach during pregnancy. Why we feel overwhelmed in motherhood and what we can do about it. How to create a wellness plan that supports all pillars of our wellbeing and health. “The number one thing a mother can do is ask for help.” - Dr. Nicole Calloway RankinsHelpful Links Website: www.ncrcoaching.comInstagram: @drnicolerankins Facebook: @NCRCoachMDBook: “How to Meditate: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind” Huffington Post article: “Why You don’t Have a Health Coach (and Why You Should)” About KimKim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and a mission-minded person whose passion helps others overcome their fears and discover their joy!You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy, and in the free private, She Finds Joy Facebook community. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday May 05, 2021

Ep 48 | Create a Sustainable, Healthy Lifestyle to Reach Your Wellness Goals with Cassie Riley Part 2Cassie Riley is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who works with clients by helping them reach their specific wellness goals through healthy meal plans, nutritious food choices, and movement. She helps create positive behavior change through sustainable health habits that go deeper than just diet and exercise alone. Cassie helps clients grow their confidence and respect for their bodies and power through disordered eating struggles and patterns. In this episode, Kim and Cassie continue their conversation about ditching everything you have learned about diet culture. Now, they explore how to eat intuitively and listen to our bodies. Cassie explains why what others have taught us in the past demolishes our metabolism and lowers our metabolic flexibility, which means we end up worse than before we started “the diet.” Cassie provides her top tips for creating sustainable, healthy eating habits that can help boost your metabolism. She explains why maintaining your blood sugar levels throughout the day can help you feel satisfied, energetic, and happier. Plus, she shares a seven-minute video for strength training that can be done anywhere!Tune in to learn more about… How to keep your cravings under control without feeling hungry. Why it’s not about the number on the scale; it’s about your body composition. Options for getting protein, healthy fats, and fiber in each meal.Why reading labels is important because companies are sneaking ingredients into products to trick you into thinking they are healthy.How tiny tweaks to our meals lead to big changes.How you can begin to have a healthier relationship with food starting now. The #1 exercise for fat loss!“The #1 exercise that is best for fat loss is any exercise you enjoy doing.” - Cassie RileyHelpful Links Cassie’s Email for her Free Smoothie Recipes: be.nutritiated@gmail.comCassie’s Instagram: @be_nutritiatedThe Seven Minute Strength Building Video About KimKim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and a mission-minded person whose passion helps others overcome their fears and discover their joy! You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy, and in the free private, She Finds Joy Facebook community. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Apr 21, 2021

Ep 47 | Tools to Help You Ditch Diet Culture with Cassie Riley Part 1In this episode of the She Finds Joy podcast, Kim speaks with Cassie Riley. Cassie is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who works with clients by helping them reach their specific wellness goals through healthy meal plans, nutritious food choices, and movement. She helps them create positive behavior change through sustainable health habits that go deeper than just diet and exercise alone. How many times in your life have you tried to lose weight using restrictive diets such as keto, Weight Watchers, the no-carb diet, and so on? How many times have you told yourself, “I’ll start again on Monday?” How many Januarys are you going to restrict yourself from carbs and cookies? For the majority of the people, this never works. Fad diets and diet culture deliver false promises and show us testimonials of former clients on Day 28, but they don’t talk about what happened on Day 31. In this episode, Kim and Cassie discuss why women need to do the inner work of understanding and nurturing our bodies and how to get off the struggle bus when it comes to achieving our wellness goals. Cassie's approach is centered around not counting calories, not stepping on a scale daily, and not restricting ourselves from certain food groups. Instead, she offers us a healthy, feel-good solution to achieving our optimal health and wellness goals. She explains why we must stop utilizing a “one-size-fits-all” approach when trying to lose weight and instead create a sustainable lifestyle that truly fuels us.Tune in to learn more about: Why it’s important to dissociate diet with body image and body size.Why diet culture and fad diets are terrible for you and why they don’t work. Why cutting out entire food groups and restricting yourself leads to future weight gain and feelings of guilt, shame, and depression.What companies and culture do to trick you into thinking certain food is healthy.The simple formula for creating nutrient-rich, balanced meals that maintain blood sugar levels and keep you satisfied.The protein - healthy fats - fiber formula that will blow your mind when it comes to meal planning and staying satiated.Why building lifelong sustainable healthy habits is possible without all of the guilt and the strict rules. A simple plan for achieving your wellness goals. “Are you truly building lifelong, sustainable health habits or are you finding a quick fix diet for 30 days, and on Day 31, you run out to grab a box of doughnuts because you’ve completely restricted yourself for the last month? This approach doesn’t work.” - Cassie RileyHelpful Links Cassie’s email for her free smoothie recipes: be.nutritiated@gmail.comCassie’s Instagram: @be_nutritiatedCassie’s favorite protein powder: Enter Code: CASSIER15 to get a 15% discountAbout KimKim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and a mission-minded person whose passion helps others overcome their fears and discover their joy! You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy, and in the free private, She Finds Joy Facebook community. See for privacy and opt-out information.



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