She Finds Joy

The She Finds Joy Podcast, for women who are ready to reclaim their joy and identity in order to show up for themselves in a BIG WAY! Your Happiness Coach, Kim Strobel, is here to help you ask for what you want while living a big, bold, brave life. In each episode she’ll challenge you to find the truest sense of who you are while incorporating wellbeing and learning how to see your brilliance and use it to impact the world. See for privacy and opt-out information.

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Tuesday Feb 18, 2020

In this episode of the She Finds Joy podcast, Kim Strobel discusses tools we can use to retrain our brains with positive beliefs. Our beliefs drive everything in our lives: what we think we’re capable of, how much value we think we can command, and even how we show up for ourselves and others. Developing a growth mindset is key to overcoming negative beliefs. In today’s episode, Kim talks about…How your belief system drives your perceptions of the world and how you experience life. The way that self-doubt undermines our abilities—you totally have the skills to open that business you’ve always dreamed of! How you can quit sabotaging yourself with negative thoughts and peel back the golden nuggets within yourself. The way that affirmations can help you realize your full potential. Kim’s top tips for positive affirmations: Your words are powerful—choose your words carefully, especially the words you use when you talk to yourself. Don’t let other peoples’ opinions of you change your opinion about yourself. Select the people you spend your time and energy on carefully. You should never waste your time on people who don’t want to help you celebrate your wins and triumphs. Write your affirmations every day. They help to retrain your brain to believe that those big dreams of yours are really, truly, possible. About KimKim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy! You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020

In this episode of the She Finds Joy podcast, Kim Strobel talks fear, and how our fears are often the reason we do not pursue our dreams. Before she tore down the walls created by fear, Kim struggled to move out of her comfort zone. Today, she explains how you can face your own fears and start living your life to the fullest. In today’s episode, Kim talks about... Life’s many fears and how they prevent many of us from taking action and showing up for the things that matter the most to us. How it’s totally normal to feel fearful, but we can’t let it control our lives. Kim’s experiences with her panic disorder and the very hard work she needed to put in to overcome it and shine brighter than ever before. The importance of putting your own well being first, no matter how scary it might be.Kim’s top tips to face your fears: Lean into productive struggles—you will need to go through difficult situations in order to grow as a person, and that’s alright. Understand that you have a right to ask for what you need, whether it’s in your marriage, your friends, or even from your hairdresser. Never make yourself smaller to please others. Know that it is always worth it to try—and fail—rather than never try at all. About KimKim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy! You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020

In this episode of the She Finds Joy Podcast, Kim and Sara tackle the subject of infertility and the heavy weight it puts on the shoulders of hopeful parents and goal-driven women. Sara Dean is a renowned podcaster, entrepreneur, advocate for women, and a mother. In this episode, Kim and Sara talk extensively about... How having children (and not having more children) has impacted the trajectory of their careers. When Sara managed her own business and had a newborn baby at the same time and how she made time for what mattered most to her. The ways that coping with infertility affected Sara, and how she rediscovered herself and her passion after the birth of her son. The wonderful yet stressful parts of motherhood, and why we all need to take moments to appreciate the little things (like taking the kids to soccer practice!) See for privacy and opt-out information.

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020

In this episode of the She Finds Joy podcast, life coach and life-long entrepreneur Brenda Florida talks about how her relationship with money—and herself—has evolved over the years. She tackles the heavy topic of money and wealth, and why so many women don’t feel worthy of the money they’ve worked so hard to earn.In today’s episode, Kim and Brenda talk about…How Brenda became more comfortable with money—as well as how to be more financially responsible.Why women need to incorporate self-affirmation in their everyday lives.What “imposter syndrome” really is (and how to know when you’re experiencing it). Brenda’s Top Tips to Reclaim Your PowerCall yourself out! If you realize that you’re suddenly questioning yourself and your abilities, you’re probably experiencing imposter syndrome. It’s important to identify and break this cycle before it spirals. Never be afraid or ashamed to talk about your accomplishments, career highlights, and other exciting things happening in your life. Break the habit of assuming that you’re “doing something wrong” when things don’t always go perfectly in your life. That’s just how life works—it has nothing to do with you.You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private, She Finds Joy Facebook community at And don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to the podcast! See for privacy and opt-out information.

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020

In this episode of the She Finds Joy podcast, Kim gets real about why we say yes to things we don’t want to do, why we need to stop doing that so much and what happens when we start saying yes to ourselves. If you find you’re saying yes to all the things, missing out on what matters to you and feeling all the feelings when your needs aren’t being met, this episode will help you break that pattern and start putting yourself first more often. In this episode, Kim takes on…Reasons moms say yes when they would rather say noWhy reluctant yeses are a self-love issueHow increasing your happiness level can shift your life and how saying no can help do thatHow to decide when to say yes and when to say noTop Tips from Kim:Sometimes saying yes to things we don’t want to do is about the kind of person that we are. We all want to be helpful and do the right thing. Doing the right thing also includes taking care of ourselves and making sure we don’t get depleted. That’s our responsibility too. You need to evaluate the cost of your “yes” and know when you say “yes” to something, you’re saying “no” to something or someone else (and often as moms that’s ourselves and our own happiness.) You need to move yourself up your own priority list and start seeing your own value. You’ll be glad you did!You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private, She Finds Joy Facebook community at And don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to the podcast! See for privacy and opt-out information.

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020

In this episode, Kim and Colene are talking about…Ways that women downplay their own abilities and achievements (and why we need to stop!) How Colene carved a path as a successful HR professional as a black woman in corporate AmericaWhy it’s so important to practice forgiveness rather than let anger and bitterness consume us—and why sometimes forgiveness is not a one-time process “I think it's okay to feel hurt and pain and not want to forgive someone. I don't think that there has to be this blanket apology and forgiveness that you spread out across the world. But I do think you have to reign it in because if not, it's easy to let that snowball and all of a sudden you're walking around angry and mad and overwhelmed because you're holding on to all of this, all of this that's not meant for you to hold onto.” Colene ElridgeColene’s Best Advice for Forgiving Ourselves and OthersWe don’t need to forgive everyone all at once—it’s a process, and it’s perfectly okay to not be ready to forgive someone. However, try not to actively dislike more than three people at one time. Sometimes, certain things will trigger us and we will need to go through the forgiveness process again. When you choose to forgive someone again, you are growing and progressing as a person. We need to allow ourselves to feel the gross, unappealing feelings that go hand-in-hand forgiveness process.LinksMonday Morning Pep Talks by Colene Elridge About KimKim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy! You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community at See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Jan 08, 2020

In this episode of the She Finds Joy podcast, Kim is taking on a topic near and dear to her heart: embracing the truth that we are all allowed to cultivate our own paths. If you’ve been struggling with the social pressure to be a certain way that doesn’t feel authentic to your path, this episode will help you overcome those influences and be true to yourself. In this episode, Kim chats about… Why your enthusiasm should be celebrated, not suppressedHow you can leverage the labels others put on you to find your strengthsThe negative patterns our own insecurities create in us Kim’s Top Tips The only way we get better is by demanding that we get better.You – and only you – are the one who gets to decide whether you allow the labels others give you to stick.The more we embrace the person we truly are inside, the more we see the hidden jewels she offers.Links You Are Special by Max Lucado About Kim Kim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy! You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community at See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Jan 01, 2020

In this episode of the She Finds Joy podcast, Kim sits down with Felecia Hatcher – White House Award winning entrepreneur, total badass business rainmaker, and the bestselling author of Start Your Business on a Ramen Noodle Budget. In this episode, Kim and Felecia are taking on… The question adults commonly ask children that shuts down their ability to get creative with their opportunitiesThe tough lessons Felecia learned early in her entrepreneurial career that helped set her up for success as a leadership speakerWhy it’s so important to act on the ideas, inspiration, and intuitions you receive Top Tips from Kim and Felecia Give yourself permission to chase after the things you’re passionate about.If you can’t be number one or two in a niche, build your own niche.When you see an answer to a social problem and can’t answer the question “if not me, who else can do this?” – that’s your moment of obligation to bring that solution to fruition. About Felecia Felecia Hatcher is a White House Award winning entrepreneur, badass business rainmaker, bestselling author of Start your Business on a Ramen Noodle Budget, globally sought-after speaker, media darling, mother, and Founder of Tribe CoWork and Urban Innovation Lab,Code Fever and BlackTechWeek. She is also the rather awesome former Chief Popsicle at Feverish Pops, a gourmet ice pop boutique and manufacturing brand with a Fortune 500 client roster that would make your head spin prior to becoming an entrepreneur Felecia was a marketing executive working for big brands like Nintendo, Sony, Wells Fargo, Mckee Foods and the NBA. You can connect with Felecia at her website,, as well as on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Her awesome program, No Introduction Required, is all about helping people speak their way to coins, power, influence, and their passion; the No Introduction Required community can be found on Facebook at About Kim Kim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy! You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community at See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Dec 25, 2019

In this episode of the She Finds Joy podcast, Kim sits down with Radiah Rhodes to dive into the power of Being and stepping into our intention and well-being. If you’ve ever wondered how it is that you do everything that’s expected of you but still find yourself on the wrong side of your own life, this episode will help you let go of the lie that we can ‘achieve’ our way out of pain. In this episode, Kim and Radiah chat about… How achievement becomes an addiction that leads to false expectationsThe two energies that make up your intention (and how they impact where you are on the intention scale)Why taking pride in ‘striving’ is actually keeping you trapped (and what you can do to move above it)How developing an offensive approach to boundaries can help you avoid sacrificing what’s most importantWhere to start to move out of suffering and toward healing and elevated intention Radiah’s 3-Step System To Help You Elevate Your Intentions And Create More Space In Your Life Authenticity: Be authentic and truthful with yourself about where you are on the intention scale as you define where you want to be.Alignment: Bring your most valuable resources into alignment with what you’ve authentically defined for yourself.Authority: Be willing to show up with commitment to become the person you authentically know yourself to be in the way you’ve aligned your life. About Radiah Radiah Rhodes is a visionary, entrepreneur, designer, engineer, and coach. After two decades of experience leading small businesses and Fortune 100 companies in the beauty and information technology industries, Radiah became known for her strategic insights, impeccable design aesthetic, and natural ability to connect, lead, and get results. She has led and coached many executives and organizations to deliver exceptional business results and launched a strong portfolio of multi-million dollar products and services around the globe. Most recently Radiah authored the book, Being is the New Doing: A Divine Guide to OwningYour Energy, Time and Peace of Mind. She also launched a collection of brands and products designed to transform and expand your intention and well-being. As an entrepreneur, corporate leader, wife, and Shameless Mom to two amazing and active children, Radiah knows what it takes to be extraordinary in life and leadership. She trains clients on how to tap into and leverage their intention as the fuel and fire to create any desired outcome with ease and authenticity. You can connect with Radiah at her website,, in her free Facebook group, The Evok Experience, or by email at About Kim Kim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy! Follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community at See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019

In this episode of the She Finds Joy podcast, Kim dives into how we can manifest and co-create in our lives. This episode will show you how you can effectively implement manifestation to help you break negative patterns and create a higher vibrational frequency in your life. In this episode, Kim chats about… The biggest misconception most people have about manifestationWhy some people leap to the worst case scenario while others filter information differentlyHow your stories and conditioning are keeping you trapped in unhealthy patternsThe simple step you can take today to start creating the life you really want Kim’s Top Tips As you become cognizant of how you use your thoughts, you can start creating space between your thoughts.If you’re going to make it through your feelings, you have to be able to feel them – that’s the only way to come out the other side.When you raise the vibrational frequency of your body and your thoughts, you’ll start to attract better things in your life. Links You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community at About Kim Kim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy! See for privacy and opt-out information.



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