She Finds Joy

The She Finds Joy Podcast, for women who are ready to reclaim their joy and identity in order to show up for themselves in a BIG WAY! Your Happiness Coach, Kim Strobel, is here to help you ask for what you want while living a big, bold, brave life. In each episode she’ll challenge you to find the truest sense of who you are while incorporating wellbeing and learning how to see your brilliance and use it to impact the world. See for privacy and opt-out information.

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Ep. 6 | Create Your Own Luck!

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019

In this episode of the She Finds Joy podcast, Kim sits down with Susan Hyatt, a master certified life and business coach whose mission is helping women get more of whatever they crave. If you’ve been wondering how to raise the ceiling on what is possible in your life, this episode will help you create that capacity for change. In this episode, Kim and Susan are taking on… Why we tell ourselves we “just need more willpower” (take this simple step instead to create the energetic space to get more done)The surprising effects of adding more pleasure and fun to your life (chances are you've been spending way too much time and money chasing these)How your brain is wired to sabotage your dieting efforts (and what you can change to rewire it)Three simple things you can start doing today to free up mental capacity to show up in your life in all the ways you really want to be showing up Kim’s Top Tips Every time you say yes to something you don’t want to do, you’re saying no to something you really want to do.Complimenting our children on their resourcefulness, creativity, perseverance, and how they handle a challenge teaches them to value growth.Learn to love ourselves and put ourselves first opens the doors for exponential change in all the other areas of our lives. Links You can find Susan’s podcasts and their Facebook groups here: The Bare PodcastRich Coach Club Susan also has a paid membership group called Bare Daily, as well as masterminds where she mentors female entrepreneurs and helps them make more money. Learn more and connect with Susan at her website: You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community at About Kim Kim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy! See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Dec 04, 2019

In this episode of the She Finds Joy podcast, Kim is giving you permission… to stop asking for permission! The most successful people have one thing in common: they don’t ask for permission. Instead, they take action. So as you reviewing your personal goals as we near the end of the year, it’s time to change your mindset around asking for permission for the things you want to achieve in life. In this episode, Kim chats about… What you’re really telling yourself and others when you ask for permissionHow to bring stakeholders into the conversation without giving up your powerWhy women have been trained for generations to ask permissionWho in your life gets to have an opinion on what you want to do with your life Kim’s Top Tips Make the switch from “can we…” to stating your point.Be kind enough to have the difficult conversations and get your partner’s input, but be sure to initiate those discussions by stating very clearly what it is that you want.Love yourself enough to make the shift so you’re not acting out of an ‘asking for permission’ mentality. Links You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community at About Kim Kim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy! See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Nov 27, 2019

In this episode of the She Finds Joy podcast, Kim is talking about how you can start to make magic happen in your life! If you’ve been wondering whether it’s possible to find and reignite the powerful, purposeful individual inside you (even though you may be going through struggles and adversity), tune in to this episode to learn about how you can move become a super attractor and start to manifest amazing things in your life. In this episode, Kim chats about… Her journey to creating her business as a motivational speakerThe relationship between your beliefs and your realityThe thing you’re probably doing that’s keeping you in struggle and away from becoming who you’re meant to be Kim’s Top Tips Start calling yourself the thing you are becoming – you have the ability to create that vision in your life.Embrace who you really are – give yourself permission to go after your big dreams.Share your wins – when we let our light shine, we give everyone else permission to do the same! Links You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community at About Kim Kim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy! See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Nov 20, 2019

In this episode of the She Finds Joy podcast, Kim is taking on how to break the perfectionist cycle and learn to value ourselves. If you’ve ever felt guilty for needing to take time out from your family responsibilities to take care of yourself, consider this episode your reminder from the Universe that your needs matter. In this episode, Kim is chatting about… Why changing roles and expectations of women are causing us to feel lost from ourselvesHow we can start putting out the right energy so the world can give us value backWhy putting yourself first is actually the least selfish thing you can do Kim’s Top Tips The most important thing you can model for your children is loving yourself enough to take care of yourself.Schedule at least one hour of daily “me time.”Remember that you matter – outside of motherhood, your marriage, your career – and your wellbeing and your happiness should be a priority. Links You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community at About Kim Kim Strobel is for the joy-seekers. The go-getters. And the real, messy women who want so much MORE from their lives. As a nationally-recognized speaker & happiness coach, Kim is all about empowering others to live bigger, bolder, bravery lives.When she’s not rescuing dogs or drinking lavender tea, Kim’s contagious, high-energy style has the unique ability to embolden her audiences. Motivational, inspirational, and always approachable, Kim’s “real talk” attitude is a refreshing approach that authentically connects with hearts & humans everywhere. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Nov 20, 2019

Have you ever wondered why, in an age of abundance, we’re actually less happy than we were 50 years ago? In this episode of the She Finds Joy podcast, Kim is busting the myths and lies we’ve been told about what brings us happiness, so we can move past the myths and start inviting greater levels of happiness into our lives. In this episode, Kim chats about… How being told to “just be positive” is counterproductive to becoming happyWhy “if only” statements are a moving targetHow to stop the hedonic adaptation cycle and start focusing on things that create a measurable boost in happiness levelsWhy happy people are the most successful – NOT the other way around Kim’s Top Tips Start incorporating happiness habits in your life.Learn to find your happy in the Now. Links You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy and in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community at About Kim Kim Strobel is for the joy-seekers. The go-getters. And the real, messy women who want so much MORE from their lives. As a nationally-recognized speaker & happiness coach, Kim is all about empowering others to live bigger, bolder, bravery lives.When she’s not rescuing dogs or drinking lavender tea, Kim’s contagious, high-energy style has the unique ability to embolden her audiences. Motivational, inspirational, and always approachable, Kim’s “real talk” attitude is a refreshing approach that authentically connects with hearts & humans everywhere. See for privacy and opt-out information.

Wednesday Nov 20, 2019

In this episode of the She Finds Joy podcast, Kim is taking on the idea that being “happy” is something only people without problems can experience. If you’ve ever felt it was impossible for you to find joy in your life while you’re dealing with struggles, suffering, darkness, or pain, this episode will help you work through that limiting belief so you can stop letting it rob you of your happiness. In this episode, Kim chats about… -Her lifelong struggle with panic disorder-The moment of clarity that finally inspired her to reach out for help-How comparative suffering keeps us trapped-Why it’s important to embrace all of the parts of who we are Kim’s Top Tips -Brain science shows that only 10% of your long-term happiness comes from your external circumstances – don’t let external circumstances steal more than 10% of your joy.-Research shows that every human being has the ability to increase their happiness levels by up to 40%. That means we can go through hard things and still raise our happiness levels and live a more joyful life! Links Connect with other joy seekers just like you in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community at You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy. And don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to the podcast! About Kim Kim Strobel is Chief Happiness Officer at Kim Strobel Live Events and Retreats. She is a teacher, consultant, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and mission-minded person whose passion is helping others overcome their fears and discover their joy! See for privacy and opt-out information.

Tuesday Nov 12, 2019

Welcome to the She Finds Joy podcast! This mini episode will give you a quick introduction to what this podcast is all about. On today’s episode, host and happiness coach Kim Strobel provides the background and context behind the She Finds Joy podcast. She describes her journey to helping women to create more joy in their lives… and why she’s passionate about sharing the lessons she’s learned along the way. Here are some of the awesome things you’ll hear in this episode: The overlooked factor that traps us in a life where we’re surviving instead of thrivingWhat’s holding you back from reclaiming our space, joy, relationships, and dreamsThe power of stepping into our whole selves (in spite of our flaws and mistakes)Are you ready to regain the deep sense of connection you’re yearning for? Check out this mini episode to find out how this podcast can help you discover the courage to be who you really are… without the fear of failure that’s been keeping you from finding more joy. Start here… Connect with other joy seekers just like you in the free private She Finds Joy Facebook community at And don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to the podcast!About Kim Kim Strobel is for the joy-seekers. The go-getters. And the real, messy women who want so much MORE from their lives. As a nationally-recognized speaker & happiness coach, Kim is all about empowering others to live bigger, bolder, bravery lives.When she’s not rescuing dogs or drinking lavender tea, Kim’s contagious, high-energy style has the unique ability to embolden her audiences. Motivational, inspirational, and always approachable, Kim’s “real talk” attitude is a refreshing approach that authentically connects with hearts & humans everywhere. See for privacy and opt-out information.



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